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Sage Oracle Touch Espresso Machine

Sage Oracle Touch Espresso Machine

Regular price £2,099.95 GBP
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The Sage Oracle Touch Espresso Machine is a state-of-the-art device that automates the coffee-making process while still allowing for personal customisation. It's designed to make third-wave specialty coffee at home by adhering to a 4-key formula used by professional cafe machines. This includes using the correct dose of freshly ground beans, precise temperature control, optimal water pressure, and creating true microfoam milk essential for latte art​.

Key features of the Oracle Touch include:

  • Automated Touch Screen Operation: Simplifies the coffee-making process into three easy steps: grind, brew, and milk. You can adjust the coffee strength, milk texture, or temperature to suit your taste and save up to 8 personalized coffee settings​.

  • Integrated Precision Conical Burr Grinder: With 45 grind settings, this grinder automatically grinds, doses, and tamps 22 grams of coffee straight into the professional-style portafilter, ensuring a consistent and high-quality espresso shot every time​.

  • Dual Boiler Heating System: Delivers simultaneous extraction and steam, ensuring the right temperature and pressure for optimal flavour. The heated group head, controlled with PID temperature control, maintains thermal stability throughout the extraction process​.

  • Professional-Grade Portafilter and Tamping: Uses a 58mm stainless steel portafilter that holds a 22g dose for full-bodied coffee with rich and complex flavors. The machine also offers assisted tamping for a consistent and precise tamp.

  • Auto and Manual Milk Texturing: Allows you to adjust the milk temperature and texture to create silky smooth microfoam. You can enjoy the convenience of automated milk texturing or take control with manual texturing for latte art.

  • 3D Interactive Setup and Accessories: For those who prefer not to use an instruction booklet, the Oracle Touch partners with BILT® Intelligent Instructions for a seamless and interactive product setup. It comes with a range of accessories, including a 58mm full stainless steel portafilter, single and dual wall filter baskets, a 480ml stainless steel milk jug, and a comprehensive cleaning kit​.

The Sage Oracle Touch combines the convenience of a fully automatic machine with the quality and control of manual espresso making, making it an excellent choice for coffee enthusiasts who seek cafe-quality beverages at home​

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