V60 Pour Over Guide

This comprehensive guide will help you navigate each critical step to create a beautifully balanced and flavourful cup of coffee. So grab your favourite Percup beans, and let's dive in!

What You'll Need:

  • Freshly roasted coffee beans from Percup
  • A pour-over dripper (such as the Hario V60 or a Chemex)
  • A gooseneck kettle for controlled pouring
  • A burr grinder (like the Commandante for its consistent grind)
  • A precise digital scale (Felicita comes highly recommended)
  • Filter paper
  • A timer

1. Preparation:

Start by boiling your water. You'll want the water temperature to be just off the boil, around 94-6°C (205°F). While the water heats, fold your filter paper into your dripper and rinse with hot water. This removes any papery taste and pre-heats your equipment. Discard the rinse water.

2. Dose and Grind:

Weigh your coffee beans. A good starting ratio is 60g of coffee per 1 litre of water. For a single cup, 15g to 250ml is a good benchmark. Adjust to your taste preference. Grind your coffee to a medium-fine consistency. The grinds should resemble table salt.

3. First Pour (The Bloom):

Pour your freshly ground coffee into the rinsed filter. Start your timer and gently pour just enough water (around twice the weight of the coffee) to saturate the grounds. This stage, known as the 'bloom', allows the coffee to release carbon dioxide, leading to a more even extraction. Let it bloom for about 30 seconds.

4. Subsequent Pours:

After the bloom, begin your main pour. Start from the middle and work your way out in slow, concentric circles towards the edge, avoiding the filter wall. Aim to pour up to around 60% of your total water weight. Wait for the water to filter through before continuing with smaller, gentle pours until you reach your total water weight. The entire pour phase should take about 1.5 to 2.5 minutes.

5. Drawdown and Enjoy:

Allow the water to fully drain through the coffee grounds. This phase, known as the 'drawdown', should ideally take between 1-2 minutes. If it's too fast, try a finer grind. If it's too slow, go a bit coarser.

You should now have a perfectly brewed pour-over coffee. As with any brewing method, taste is key. Assess your brew and adjust your parameters as needed. Remember, brewing is an adventure – it's all about experimenting and savouring the journey, one delightful cup at a time. Happy brewing!